Blood Pressure Monitoring
Self-Measured Blood Pressure Program
Diseases of the heart are the top causes of death in Manitowoc County. The Blood Pressure Program allows residents to borrow devices available from the Manitowoc County Health Department to monitor their blood pressure in the convenience of their home.
How does it work?
- Call or visit the Health Department.
- Meet with one of our Public Health Nurses to learn how to use the device and about heart health.
- Give a $10 returnable deposit and take home the device to use for 2-4 weeks.
- Return after the established time period, to return the device and pick up your $10 deposit!
Why Monitor Your Blood Pressure?
- 47% of adults in the United States have high blood pressure, many don’t even know they have it.
- High blood pressure leaves individuals at greater risk for heart disease and/or stroke, which are two of the leading causes of death in the U.S.
About High Blood Pressure
The Facts About High Blood Pressure
How High Blood Pressure is Diagnosed
Health Threats from High Blood Pressure
Improving High Blood Pressure
How to Manage High Blood Pressure
How to Monitor Blood Pressure at Home