Types of Care
Kinship Care
Kinship Care is the care of a minor child by a legal relative. The relative receives a financial grant from Manitowoc County in the amount of $300 per month for each eligible child. The relative completes an application for the monthly grant. An assessment is done to determine if the criteria mandated by the State of Wisconsin are met. This includes a criminal background check and a home visit by a social worker to ensure that the living situation meets the statutory requirement. The child’s parents must agree to the living arrangements, unless it is a court-ordered placement. Parents may have to pay toward the Kinship Care grant. Depending on funding, a wait list may be set up. For more information, questions or an application regarding Kinship Care, please contact Manitowoc County Human Services at 920-683-4230.
Licensed Foster Homes
Foster care is a temporary living arrangement for children and youth who are unable to live with their own families due to safety concerns or other family crises. When it is not possible for a child to remain in their home, foster homes are critical in providing children and youth with a safe and stable living environment. Foster families are instrumental in assisting the child or youth with coping with their situation and keeping them connected to their family. Foster parents are an important part of a team of people working toward reunification or other permanency options for the children and youth in their care. Foster parents can foster children and youth ages 0-18. All families receive financial compensation for the children placed in their home, support services, 24 hour emergency assistance and health insurance for the children. Mandatory training is provided by the county. To learn about becoming a foster parent, please contact Manitowoc County Human Services at 920-683-4230.
Respite Homes
Respite providers give a break or relief from caregiving responsibilities to a child’s or youth’s normal caregiver. Respite care is part-time care, generally 1-2 weekends per month, for foster children so their foster parents can have time away. Respite can also be used for children who reside with their birth families to give the parents a break from normal caregiving responsibilities. Provision of care is done within your own home. Respite providers are certified and reimbursed by Lakeshore CAP. For more information and to learn more about respite care, please contact Manitowoc County Human Services at 920-683-4230 or Lakeshore CAP at 920-682-3737.