Provider Resources
To contact the Manitowoc County Health Officer immediately, call the non-emergency joint dispatch phone number 920-683-4201 and ask for the public health employee on call.
General Information and Reporting Forms
Communicable Disease Information
Communicable Disease Reporting Form (F-44151)
Communicable Disease Reporting Information
Vaccine Preventable Disease Guidelines
Pertussis/Pertussis Reporting Form
Diseases such as Pertussis and Measles (rubeola) are of urgent public health importance and shall be reported IMMEDIATELY by telephone to the patient’s local health officer upon identification of a case or suspected case. In addition to the immediate report, within 24 hours, complete and fax, mail, or submit a case report electronically through the Wisconsin Electronic Disease Surveillance System (WEDSS). Here is a complete list of IMMEDIATELY reportable diseases.
Tuberculosis Information & Forms
Mayo Clinic Center for Tuberculosis
TB Provider Resources
Form and Publications
Tuberculosis Reporting
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Sexually Transmitted Disease Reporting Form (F-44243)
Lymes Disease
Reporting and Surveillance
Information and fact sheets
Prevention Flowchart
Post Exposure Prophylaxis