Forestry & Pollinator Habitat
Tree Planters Available for Rent:
Planting a large number of trees? Manitowoc County Soil & Water has two tree planters available for rent. Visit the office or call 920-683-4183 for more information and to schedule your rental.
Manitowoc County Tree Planter Rental Agreement & Planter Guidance
Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) and Ash Tree Management:
Emerald Ash Borer is an invasive wood-boring beetle that infests all species of Ash trees. This GUIDE is a common-sense approach to dealing with EAB and removing dead Ash trees from your landscape.
Lakeshore Invasive Species Management Area:
Manitowoc County partners with Glacierland Resource Conservation and Development, Inc. to administer the Lake Monitoring & Protection Network Program and promote efficient and effective management of invasive plant and animal species. If you have a concern about invasive species on your land, contact: LISMA Invasive Species Coordinator at 906-284-0533.
Pollinator Seed Kits for Sale:
Pollinator seeds kits are perfect for the beginner or experienced gardener. Whether you’re looking to attract pollinators into your current landscape, plant a small meadow to cut down on mowing, or want to establish a pollinator corridor in your neighborhood; each Pollinator Seed Kit covers 1,000 square ft. and is ideal for full-sun locations.
Grow an approved NRCS 23-species mix that includes: Asters, Black-eyed Susan, Cone Flower, Milkweed, Wild Bergamont, Coreopsis, and many more. Cost is $16 per kit and includes a planting & maintenance guide.
Pick-up at the Soil & Water window Monday thru Friday 8:30-4:30.
Tree and Native Plant Nurseries:
Find local, state, and commercial nurseries with native seeds, plant starts, and tree stock available
Additional Resources:
Health Lakes WI Guide to Native Plants
University of Wisconsin, Madison Pollinator Resources
DNR Forestor – Tyler Warntjes – 715-412-4800
City of Manitowoc Forestor/Arborist
Arbor/Culturist – Megan Scharenbrock – 920-242-3438