Planning & Park Commission Applications
Certified Survey Map (CSM) Variance Request
Reasons for a variance request include road frontage, lot size, proposed property line too close to existing building or other.
Variance Fee – $187
CSM Review Fee – $160 first lot and $60 each additional lot
Certified Survey Review Checklist
A zoning map amendment (rezone) involves changing a parcel or parcels of land from one zoning classification to another which allows a desired land use. It is not granted unless the use meets criteria detailed under State Law and the Manitowoc County General Zoning Ordinance.
Rezone Fee – $553
Zoning Map Amendment Application
Land Division Review
All divisions of land of fifteen (15) acres or less in size must be surveyed and a certified survey map or subdivision plat must be approved before being recorded in the Register of Deeds Office according to Subdivision Regulations.
Planning Commission Contact: Tim Ryan at (920) 683-4185